The dreaded lurgy!!
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Oh dear, it's finally happened, the thing I was dreading the most! I think I have "man flu", that really bad condition that normally only affects men, it has to be man flu as I feel so bad, everything hurts, one minute I'm so hot that I go and sit outside in the snow to cool off, the next I'm so cold that I can't stop shivering despite the thermals and two duvets. It's really put a downer on this week, and as a result I have not gotten much prep done for the Create and Craft show on Thursday. Everything seems to take twice as long as it should and nothing is working out as planned. Woe is me! I suppose I should be grateful that I'm still alive really, my son tells me that it's usually fatal in women as they obviously aren't as stong as men and have trouble fighting it off!
Good job I am female however, since we can multitask, it means that I can still stamp whilst downing Lemsip, feeding the dogs and cooking dinner lol - I wish!!
Anyway better struggle on and see if I can come up with something acceptable for the show.
Sarah x